The Importance of F.A. Hayek
Hayek was embraced by
liberals and conservatives alike for his unique and outstanding
contributions and explanations of economic concepts and how these
relate to a person's survival in the modern world. He was a great
force for free market economics. Hayek was not a big fan of the usual
economic jargon that put so many people to sleep in the world's
universities. He is considered one of the greatest economists of all
time and considered himself a classical liberal and not a
conservative. He was the author of 19 books and countless articles
and papers.
His great masterpiece, The Road to Serfdom, inspired one of the leading liberal voices in England, George Orwell, to write his classic book 1984 that became a rallying cry for benevolent liberals and pro-liberty conservatives against the intrusions of big government that naturally grows, restricts and impinges on citizens until the impingement becomes choking and oppressive. Hayek argues that without economic liberty, civil liberty will erode and soon disappear as the failed fascist and Soviet regimes of the past proved.
Hayek showed correctly
that central planning would lead to disruptions and inefficiencies
that could eventually bankrupt even the brightest of planned schemes.
But even worse was the fact that government planning or meddling in
economics leads to political control and with that, less individual
liberties. If government planners decide 20,000 more tons of steel a
day are needed from an eastern city, then needed steel workers would
not be allowed to move to a western city if they so desired. This and
other more subtle types of political control was inevitable according
to Hayek if the means of production were not left to the free market.
What he did accomplish in The Road to Serfdom was to clarify with logic and real world examples how central planning would not work in a society and how disastrous inducing even more planning and people to handle the problems created by the planning in the first place. Eventually in a government run as a planned society the populations would suffer more and more economic hardships at the hands of the civil servants and then experience encroachments to their liberties. Producers and consumers should have the least amount of interference between them. A restaurant serving lousy food would close very quickly unless it was subsidized by the government.
Free markets have been
debated for centuries. On one side are people who understand two
simple truths: 1) that throughout history there always seemed to be
more products, better distribution, more innovation and better
service from markets that are not encumbered by bureaucrats and
people who think they can actually plan the constant coordination and
the daily and sometimes hourly likes, dislikes and values of hundreds
of millions of people. 2) Freedom of thought, speech and religious
preferences should not be controlled by the State. Since the
struggle for human survival is easily 90% economic, then economic
freedom should certainly rank as high as the above cherished rights
of man. Hayek was a champion of these basic rights of man. Without
them he explained that the world would re-enter a Dark Age.
"He is our time's preeminent social philosopher." - Peter Drucker - NY Times Bestselling Author